
at nearly 5 months old, Kate

  • is still roaring like a lion at every chance
  • can deliberately take her paci out of her mouth with one hand, look at it, and transfer it to her other hand
  • loves to be held up and jump on your lap and play in her bouncy swing
  • laughs out loud when mommy and daddy make silly noises
  • will smile every single time she sees her boyfriend Jacques
  • is still rockin' from side to side on her back while grabbing her knees
  • when pulled in for a kiss will get super excited, open her mouth as wide as possible and lick your cheek


tummy time update

Kate can now push all the way up to balance herself on her hands (clearly not shown here!).
If we catch her at a good time, she'll look from side to side and reach out for a toy too.

sleeping beauty

tough cookie